Bird Free Ltd
Stand F08
Bird Free is an advanced method of bird control based on the science of bird behaviour.
Bird behaviour is instinctive. It is conditioned by basic needs: food and water, shelter, warmth, security (from predators). By means of sensory stimuli that alter birds’ instinctive responses,
Bird Free:
• Changes birds’ behaviour (rather than acting as a physical barrier)
• Causes resident birds to abandon long-standing habitats
• Shows immediate results
• Eliminates the most severe infestation
• Is proven to be effective over four years
• Causes no harm to birds.
• Authorised by the HSE for use in the UK based on proven efficacy in controlled field tests
• Impervious to all weather conditions
• Remains effective for a minimum of four years without replacement • Invisible from below
• Eliminates even the most severe infestations
• For indoor and outdoor use, even at low light levels.
How to use Bird Free (1.88 MiB)A smart 21st century solution to any pigeon problem
A comprehensive guide to bird proofing with Bird Free
How to install Bird Free.
Craigavon Bridge bird removal project
The Department for Infrastructure in Northern Ireland spent many years trying to solve , the pigeon problems at the Craigavon Bridge in Londonderry and it had to be closed while engineers tried to work out how to deal with a huge mess. Pigeons had been making life miserable for people using the footpath. There were reports of trips, slips and even broken bones.
Then in 2021 they discovered and installed BIRD FREE and haven't has a problem or seen a pigeon since. A smart 21st century solution to any pigeon problem.
The Craigavon Bridge in Londonderry has had to be closed while engineers tried to work out how to deal with a huge mess. Pigeons have been making life miserable for people using the footpath. There have been reports of trips, slips and even broken bones.
“I understand that this has been a particular problem for this area and efforts have been made in the past to try and resolve the issue.
Il Centro
In 2016 the biggest shopping centre in Europe ' II Centro' in Pisa, a half a mile solves their pigeon infestation with Bird Free. Still working today 8 years later.
A smart 21st century solution to any pigeon problem.